Wednesday 14 February 2018

Xeromynd's EDM DJ Vocal Drop Samples Pack vol.2

Xeromynd's EDM DJ Vocal Drop Samples Pack v2

Xeromynd's EDM DJ Vocal Drop Samples Pack with a long name VOLUME TWO

ATTN: These samples are from other artist's songs and are not intended to be
used in your original tracks. While many of these samples come from royalty free sample packs, some/many may be copyrighted. The intended use for these samples is for live performance and mashup-creation only.

Even if some are from royalty free sample packs
aka. "Are you ready for the roughneck bass"
C’mon man, it’s been done before. Go sample an 80’s horror movie or something.
-**NEW** All samples cut to 110, 128, 140, & 175 BPM
-Samples are cut to (usually) 4 measures, to allow for sufficient cue time.
-**NEW** Samples are labeled as “BPM_Key_Artist_Song” for easy sorting
-**NEW** Tons more samples in the v2 pack.
-I've attempted to "go to the source" with many of them. ie. "Yes oh my gosh" is ripped from the YouTube video, not Scary Monsters.
-**NEW** Some samples now have drums or prydasnare-like hits to fill awkward gaps
-**NEW** Some samples have a reverse reverb trail lead-in for better transitioning
-There’s some other shit in there, including cliche samples, and some old songs of mine, why not.

-All samples were:
-Cut to a click & beatgriddedededededed
-Normalized to -.4 dB for a lil bit of headroom
-EQ'd as needed to remove unwanted frequencies
-Faded properly to ensure no popping transients at the beginning or end of files  (for the most part)
-Some samples which would’ve been particularly boring by themselves have some clean backing drums or prydasnares.
-Some samples n

Above all, enjoy using them and spice up your live sets and mashups!!!!
There’s some other shit in there

-Alex (Xeromynd)
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